Video Lottery Licensees

Odds of Winning

Video Lottery Laws

Sweep Schedule
Logic Area Access/Board Replacement Report
SAS Video Lottery Terminal Addendum
Video Lottery Operator Contact Information
Video Lottery Terminal Communications Protocol Addendum
Video Lottery Tech II Service Agreement
Quick Reference:
Video Lottery Establishment Fact Sheet
Video Lottery Promotions Policy
With large amounts of cash on hand and often small staffs working, video lottery casinos can be viewed as easy targets for burglars and robbers. We encourage you to take steps to protect your business, employees and customers. Here are some tips:
Conduct a Burglary Self-Assessment Test on your casino. Are all exterior entrances and exits well lit? Does your camera surveillance system have recording capabilities? Do you have a security alarm system that's monitored by local law enforcement or an alarm company?
Instruct your employees to make note of suspicious people in the business or vehicles that are out of place after hours.
Have your employees empty video lottery machines and the tills before leaving the casino at night.
Implement a plan for what your employees should do to protect themselves and customers if confronted by a robber. Ensure ALL employees are aware of the plan.
Burglaries and robberies are among the most difficult crimes to solve. If your casino is victimized, contact local law enforcement then submit a Video Lottery Burglary Report Form to the Lottery. Both Lottery Security and the Division of Criminal Investigation will use the information to track trends and identify weaknesses that burglars exploit for their crimes.
Completed Video Lottery Burglary Report Forms can be mailed to:
South Dakota Lottery
Attn: Lottery Security
711 E. Wells Avenue
Pierre, SD 57501-7107
Or, email your completed form to: